Saturday, July 11, 2009

Deep Thoughts

First off, I've deleted a post recently. If you read it and wondered where it went, it was interred back into the depths of my mind, only to be extricated by those who actively seek it.

Speaking of the depths, I've been contemplating more and more about an alien world I'm eager to view more of. I am speaking not of other worldly bodies or the black beyond Earth's atmosphere, but of the largest and most unexplored terrain on this planet. I have been shown glimpses of the abyssal plain and the inhabitants therein, and I want to see more. For those who don't believe or question the idea of life outside this planet, the need only to visit the deepest, darkest place it has to offer.

Do tell...

I first became astounded by the potential of what could be lurking deep below when I saw an article in passing. It was about a Japanese fisherman who had found a rather large, bloated, and very strange looking shark of some sort. I had never seen it before, and it fascinated me. This creature had some of the strangest adaptations science has seen in a shark before. It has an odd triangular protrusion on the top of its head and the beast's jaws could actually be extended outside of the mouth in various degrees. It was dubbed the "Goblin Shark," and I was immediately hooked. Warning: If you are unafraid of being truly creeped-out, click at your own discretion. The music gives this video a proper "alien" twist to it.

More recently, I began watching a series of documentaries called "Blue Planet" as they were being released on Animal Planet and the Discovery Channel. The documentaries took 5 years to film and had some of the most stunning images of life on this planet. A particular episode of note, was done entirely on life in the abyssal plain. To this day, it is one of my favorite viewing experiences. If you haven't seen it before, may I be so bold as to recommend it be added to your watch list. It will certainly leave you impressed.

Leave us to ponder what may live beyond our earthly borders, but I say, we should be looking closer to home to find what we have before seen only in our dreams.

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